ic_dot4.gif 시민권 신청서

1. 신청서는 충족되야 하는 체류기간의 90일 전부터 신청할 수 있다. 
2. 지문 췌치는 신청서를 접수한 후에 통보에 의하여 한다. 
3. 신청서는 한번 접수되면, 이민국의 동의 없이 회수할 수 없다. 
4. 선서는 이민국, 연방법원, 또는 지방법원에서 할 수 있다. 
5. 이름을 바꾸는 경우는 법원을 통해야 한다. 
6. 신청서가 기각당하는 경우에는 연방법원에 심사를 요구할 수 있다. 
7. 선서는 두번째 결석을 하면 신청서를 포기한 것으로 간주한다.

ic_dot4.gif 시민권 신청 구비 서류

1. 호적 등본 (영문 번역본) 
2. 영주권 카피 (앞 뒷장/ 칼라) 
3. 여권 사진 2매 (30일 내에 찍은 것) 
4. 그외 N-400 에서 요구하는 모는 서류 (형사사건 법원 서류 카피)

ic_dot5.gifBirth Certificate or Passport. 
ic_dot5.gifList of all names that you may have ever used. 
ic_dot5.gifGreen Card. (Alien Registration Card or Permanent resident card) 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of your birth: date, city, state, and country of birth. 
ic_dot5.gifCountry of Citizenship / Nationality. 
ic_dot5.gifSocial Security Number. 
ic_dot5.gifCitizenship of your parents. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of your most recent marriage. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of any physical or mental disabilities 
ic_dot5.gifCurrent residential address, mailing address, telephone numbers and e-mail. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of residences for the past 5 years: dates and addresses of residences 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of all employment for the last 5 years, if any: employer names, employer addresses, and dates of employment 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of all education for the last 5 years, if any: school/university names, addresses, and dates of study. 
ic_dot5.gifYour height and weight. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of all your trips outside the U.S since the day you became a Green Card Holder (Permanent Resident): dates of travel and places visited. 
If currently married, details about this marriage: date of marriage, place of marriage, 
ic_dot5.gifIf you were previously married, the details of each of these marriages: dates the marriage began and ended, reason for termination of this marriage. Details of each prior husband/wife such as full Name, country of citizenship and if applicable, his/her current immigration status in the U.S. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails on any Federal, state or local taxes that you have failed to submit or are overdue. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of your association with any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society or similar group in the United States or in any other place. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of involvement in any criminal activities. If you have ever been arrested, cited, detained or charged; you will need the details of each incident such as date, place and outcome or disposition. 
ic_dot5.gifIf you have ever been subjected to any immigration proceedings, details of each of these proceedings such as date, place and outcome or disposition. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of your service in the U.S armed forces, if any. 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of Selective Service Registration: Selective Service Number and Date of registration. If exempted from Selective Service, reason based on which exemption was granted. 
ic_dot5.gifIf not willing to perform Military or civilian service, your reason for not being able to do so. 
The U.S Immigration and Naturalization filing fees to be included with your application will be $390. This includes the fingerprinting fee of $70. (Fingerprinting is not required for applicants who are over 75 years of age.)

Your Spouse information/documents : 
ic_dot5.gifA copy of his/her passport. 
ic_dot5.gifIf currently married, details of your spouse: spouse name, date of birth, Social Security Number, home address, citizenship and if applicable, his/her immigration status in the U.S. 
ic_dot5.gifIf Spouse was previously married, the details of each of these marriages: dates the marriage began and ended, reason for termination of this marriage. Details of each prior husband/wife such as full Name, country of citizenship and if applicable, his/her current immigration status in the U.S.

Your Children Information/documents : 
ic_dot5.gifDetails of ALL your children (irrespective of age, alive, missing or dead): full Name, Date and Country of birth, present address and if applicable, his/her Alien registration number (This can be found on the passport).

ic_dot4.gif 미국여권

1. 미국여권은 발급이 되면 미국시민권자의 증명이다. 
2. 미국 시민은 미국여권을 사용하여 출입국을 하여야 한다. 
3. 다음의 경우에는 여권발급을 거절당할 수 있다: 

ic_dot5.gif연방정부의 체포영장이 있을 때 
ic_dot5.gif형법 또는 집행유예등으로 출국이 금지되 있을 때 
ic_dot5.gif법원의 명령으로 정신병원에 치료 중일 때 
ic_dot5.gif외국의 정부로부터 인도 및 소환요청을 받았을 때 
ic_dot5.gif연방정부의 기소나 대배심으로부터 출두명령을 받았을 때 
ic_dot5.gif미국 정부로부터 채무가 있을 때 
ic_dot5.gif자녀 양육비를 $5,000 이상 밀렸을 때

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